Monday, October 19, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday

"It's Muffin Tin Monday!!!" That's what my daughter exclaimed this afternoon. She was so happy to see me get a muffin tin out of the cabinet. I think I could serve anything in that silly tin and she would love it.
Today there was no theme for muffin tin Monday. So, Bekah had:

Wacky Mac and Cheese, pea pods and grape tomatoes, apples and caramel dipping sauce, and teddy grahams. Yum!

If you are interested in joining in on the fun, check it out at Her Cup Overfloweth.


  1. Looks great!!!

    To make french vanilla waffles. Go to the store. Go to the freezer section. Find the Eggo waffles. Locate the French Vanilla flavor. Place one box of French Vanilla waffles into your grocery cart. Pay for said waffles. Bring waffles home and take two out of the box and place into toaster. Once waffles are done in the toaster, place on a plate and enjoy!! LOL! They're pretty good. :-)

  2. hahahaha! Too funny! Thanks! That sound easy enough!

  3. That looks so yummy! And how cute that she gets excited and knows that it's MTM!

  4. what a sweet little girl! My children are the same way with muffin tins! They love it.

    Thanks for participating!

  5. Haha, my son would also love anything that was served in a muffin tin.
