Monday, January 11, 2010

Penguin ideas

Bekah and I had so much fun with penguin week. We finished up and are now getting into a week of polar bear projects. I'll start posting our polar bear adventures tomorrow, but wanted to finish up on the penguin posts I didn't get to. Here are some simple, yet fun ideas to do for a penguin lesson:

*Roll and Color Penguin - This is a fun little game. Bekah would roll the dice and add up the dots. She would then color in the number that was rolled.

*Make a penguin book. I actually got this idea from Mailbox Magazine. However, all you would need would be some cute penguin coloring pages, have your child color them (and add glitter, if you're brave!), then staple them together to make a book.

*Tracing penguins.

1 comment:

  1. Super cute penguins, I love roll and color games like that.
