Monday, February 8, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Hearts and a Craft

This week we're doing H is for hearts, so we did a heart shape muffin tin.

In Bekah's muffin tin, she had:
Grilled Cheese hearts, spinach salad with heart cucumber and homemade poppy seed dressing, heart salami, heart strawberries, and heart doughnut (from Krispy Kreme).

I was surprised that she had two bites of the doughnut and then was done with that. She loved the grilled cheese and the heart shaped strawberries the best!

To go along with our heart muffin tin we made a heart shaped guy. He turned out very cute and was simple to put together.
I drew a heart shape on the inside part of an old cereal box and Bekah went to town painting him red.

She also painted herself red!

Bekah then glued on the eyes and drew a mouth.

Then we used strips of red construction paper folded like an acordian for the arms and legs.

You can see what others are having at Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. Very nice! A lunch full of love!

  2. What a healthy eater! (MY kiddos would have snarfed down the doughnut FIRST!)

  3. Oooooh, I like! It looks like she did too!!!

  4. Your heart shaped tin looks great! The doughnut is so yummy.

  5. Is it bad that I actually wanted to lick my screen after seeing your tin?

  6. What a fun little craft and a great themed tin! Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. lovely! my daughter had that same heart donut from krispy kreme last week. i was so happy when she couldn't finish it. mainly because i finished it for her.

  8. Fun! We are planning on a snow day later this week and will be making the same cute heart guy!

  9. you had me at "heart donut from Krispy Kreme" just sayin'. :)

  10. I love her heart guy! She did such a super job and I'm going to steal that idea some time this week if we can fit it in! Love all the heart shaped food too - lots of fun!

  11. hi! I have an award for you on my blog! :)

  12. I love this blog. Cute pictures. Welcome to the Friday Follow. I'm your newest follower. So glad to have you with us.

