I've been enjoying reading the blog The Activity Mom, where I found this post about measuring worms. Bekah has been fascinated with Daddy's measuring tape, so I knew this would be a big hit. It definitely was.
I had cut out this printable ruler and laminated it. I wanted something sturdy for her to use. I then cut different sizes of yarn (2 inches, 4 inches, 6 inches, and 8 inches). I made little cards with 2, 4, 6, and 8 on them for Bekah to sort as she measured.
Bekah did a great job and had a lot of fun. I've been having trouble keeping her attention lately, but she sat and did this for the longest time!
This is a great activity. On my "other" blog http://abcand123learning.blogspot.com we are looking for submissions right now of measuring activities. It'd be great if you send your link to that site and we could include it in our post!