Today we went strawberry picking at a local farm. We love to go every year from the time Bekah was 1. She hated the tractor the first year, but now loves it. I had seen this craft on No Time for Flashcards a long time ago and decided to keep it in mind for when we go strawberry picking. Well, today was finally the day. We did things a little bit different, but it was basically the same idea.
You need:
a piece of cardboard (I used the inside of a cereal box)with a strawberry drawn on it, red and green paint, a large paint brush, glue, and bird seed.
Have your child paint the strawberry red with a green stem.
Drizzle glue all over the strawberry. Bekah had fun doing this!
Now sprinkle on the birdseed.
After it drys you can cut it out.
I LOVE this idea! I have been in a craft slump! Thank you so much for sharing this. This is on our to do list now! Thanks for following my blog. I love all your crafts. It gives me new inspiration.