This week we had a lot of fun with the letter H.
We made a H is for house from
Totally Tots.

From our
Raising Rock Stars Preschool our verse of the week was "Honor your Father and your Mother." Exodus 20:12.

She also made a little book called Hearts and Hands.

Cut out her letter H cards.

A favorite of the week was the power point show from the members only section of Raising Rock Stars Preschool. It is totally worth the money!
Another fun activity we printed off from 1+1+1=1 was this pom pom number matching. Bekah really had fun with this.

We used more printables from
Confessions of a Homeschooler.
The number cards are still her favorite. She actually pulls these out herself to play with during the week.

Hippo sequencing.

A new activity for us. Bekah had to use a push pin to poke holes in the letter H. She loved this!

Here she is holding it up to see the light shine through her holes.

DLTK had a cut and paste hippo that Bekah put together.

I printed these animal homes matching cards. Bekah loved this activity. We actually just matched them up and glued them on paper, but they could also be made into a matching game. I cannot locate where I printed these from, but will try to find and add a link.

This hot and safe sorting was something I copied out of the most recent Kindergarten Mailbox magazine. It would be very easy to recreate. All that's needed is clip art of things that are hot (candle, oven, match, fire, etc. and things that are safe teddy bear, pillow, table, chair, etc.) I then had Bekah sort the things that were hot and the things that are safe.

One of our fun activities was that Bekah played a lot with her
Splaster. She really loves the art section, but there are also great learning games on here.

We did a lot more activities and had a great time in Preschool this week!